Cornaro crest

Mauro Codussi

Born: c.. 1440

Died: 1504

MAURO CODUSSI was one of the outstanding architects in Venetian history. His work signals the change of Venetian architecture from Gothic to the Renaissance. Nowhere is this more dramatically illustrated than at the Church of S. Zaccaria, where the lower level of the facade begun by Antonio Gambello utilizes traditional Gothic elements and the upper levels completed by Codussi move emphatically to the classical motifs of the Renaissance. Other prominent works include the Venetian churches of S. Michele in Isola and S. Maria Formosa.

Ca' Cornaro (later called Ca' Cornaro-Spinelli), built by the Lando family and attributed to Codussi, first introduced classical motives to residential architecture of Venice on a broad and cohesive basis. The Cornaro della Regina Chapel at Church of SS. Apostoli is also attributed to Codussi.

In Lieberman's view (Renaissance Architecture in Venice), the strength and variety of Codussi's works ranks him with Jacopo Sansovino and Baldassare Longhena. Lieberman notes that in the six years before his death Codussi crowned his achievements in church, staircase and palace design with three of the city's greatest buildings: the Church of S. Giovanni Crisostomo, Scuola S. Giovanni Evangelista, and Ca' Vendramin-Calergi.

© 1997-9, 2004 C. I. Gable 
