![]() Dott. Elena Lucrezia Cornaro-Piscopia (D-94)Born: 5 June 1646 Married: [Did not marry] Died: 26 July 1684, Padua
On one occasion
in 1677 in the presence of the entire College, a great part of the Senate,
and many Venetians and foreigners, she held a philosophical debate in
Greek and Latin with Giovanni Gradenigo and Fathers F. Caro and G. Fiorello.
The demonstration prepared the way for her to receive a degree in theology,
but that effort was blocked because of her sex; eventually a degree
in philosophy was awarded to her instead, 25 June 1678 at age 32.
Dott. Elena Cornaro
is buried in the Church of S. Giustina at Padua. Among numerous other
tributes, she is commemorated by a statue at the University of Padua
and in the United States by a stained glass window at Vassar College
(detail shown at right). Her most recent English language biography,
by Jane H. Guernsey, is The Lady Cornaro: Pride and Prodigy of Venice
(College Avenue Press, 1999).
Earlier biographies
include: Nicola Fusco, Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia: 1646-1684
(Pittsburgh: U. S. Comm. for the E. L. Cornaro Piscopia Tercentenary,
1975); The Life of Helen Lucretia Cornaro Piscopia, Oblate of the
Order of St. Benedict and Doctor in the University of Padua (Rome:
St. Benedict's, 1896); and Antonio Lupis, Eroina Veneta Quero la
Vita di Elena Lucretia Piscopia (Venice: Curti, 1689). Her collected
works, with a biography, were published following her death in B. Bacchini,
ed., Helenae Lucretiae (quae et Scholastica) Corneliae Piscopiae
. . . Opera quae quidem haberi potuerunt . . . (Parma, 1688).