The Cornaro family
had produced political and military leaders to Venice for more than
600 years. Yet Giorgio Cornaro found lasting fame not by politics (though
he was descendant of a Doge and was a member of the Grand Council at
age 20) nor by military achievement (though he died in battle) nor by
wealth (though he owned large agricultural estates on the mainland and
in Crete).
Giorgio Cornaro
will be remembered because in 1551 he commissioned Andrea
Palladio to design and build Villa Cornaro
at Piombino Dese, one of the most influential structures in the history
of Western residential architecture.
The commission
at Piombino underscores the remarkable transformation of Palladio from
a talented provincial architect into the architect of choice for the
bright stars of the Venetian nobility. Indeed, Giorgio Cornaro, the
engaging but enigmatic young man who ordered his new country home for
Piombino in 1551, was one of the bridges between the predominantly provincial
patrons of Palladio's career in the early 1540s and the remarkably small
circle of interconnected Venetian families who increasingly became his
patrons toward the end of the decade.
Palladio spent
all of 1539 and much of 1540 not in Vicenza, but in Padua, in the company
of his benefactor and mentor Giangiorgio Trissino. The stay brought
him into the orbit of that celebrated theorist, dilettante and patron
of Padua, Alvise Cornaro (B-26), and the circle
of wealthy young scholars -- primarily Paduan and Vicentine -- who surrounded
young Giorgio Cornaro stepped into this circle at Padua at the very
time of Palladio's sojourn there. By happy coincidence, his father Sen.
Girolamo Cornaro (B-64/H-1), newly-appointed as Capitano
[military commander] of Padua, in January 1539 transferred his family
to that city for a two-year stay.
Giorgio Cornaro
appears as an important connection between the concentration of Palladian
patrons gathered at Padua in the shadow of Alvise Cornaro and another
documented group of future Palladian patrons centered in Venice in the
early 1540s. In Venice Giorgio was part of a circle of 31 young patricians
whose relationship is celebrated in Giovini di Vinetia [Youths
of Venice], a terza rima by an anonymous poet. The work proclaimed
that the hearts and souls of the young nobles were bound together by
How great
a sweetness and great our attraction
To admire the handsome Giorgione Corner,
So shy to show forth his pure affection.
Thus the anonymous
poet of Giovini di Vinetia described the future patron of Palladio's
Villa Cornaro. Perhaps that same shyness discerned by the poet contributed
to the most extraordinary circumstance of Giorgio's adult life: From
the day he was admitted into the Maggior Consiglio [Grand Council]
in 1537 at age 20 until his death as a commander in battle in 1571 at
age 54 -- a span of 37 years -- Giorgio Cornaro never held a single
political post in the Venetian government.
His patriotism
and ability are both evidenced by the sole outlet that he chose for
his public service: ten times in the space of 20 years he was elected
to captain one of the war galleys of the Republic. His death ultimately
came as he led his command in one of the military engagements with Turkish
forces preceding the historic 1571 battle in the Gulf of Lepanto.
Giorgio Cornaro's
interests spanned both the rural life of a landed proprietor and the
cultural life of an urban patron of art. That combination of interests
is less puzzling than it might otherwise seem, if the philosophical
foundation of country life in the period is considered. Palladio himself
expressed the prevailing view that a country house was a place "where
the mind, fatigued by the agitations of the city, will be greatly restor'd
and comforted, and be able quietly to attend the studies of letters,
and contemplation." Perhaps Giorgio Cornaro was among those contemporary
examples pictured in Palladio's mind as he expanded on the concept:
it was the ancient sages commonly used to retire to such like places;
where being oftentimes visited by their virtuous friends and relations,
having houses, gardens, fountains, and such like pleasant places, and
above all, their virtue, they could easily attain to as much happiness
as can be attained here below.
The most persuasive
documentary evidence of Giorgio Cornaro's preeminence as a cultural
arbiter is a beautiful and suggestive tribute to his taste which Francesco
Sansovino wrote in 1554 in dedicating to him a book entitled L'Avocato
[The Advocate]. The dedicatory encomium is a small masterpiece of typically
Mannerist literary conceits. Portraying himself as a lowly artisan offering
his work to the high noble, the author (himself the son of Jacopo
Sansovino, the official architect of the Republic) suggests that
magnanimous patronage is Giorgio's standard role and that his "pure
and refined judgment" in artistic matters "are marvelous to all." Sansovino
closes with references to Giorgio's loving good humor and to his basic
instinct, an absolute and pervading courtesy.

Even in the context of a dedication, such praise from a figure so prominently-connected
as Francesco Sansovino testifies to Giorgio Cornaro's close involvement
in the front rank of Venice's literary affairs at mid-century. Giorgio
seems to have been a prominent patron of painting as well. In addition
to sitting for his own portrait by Titian,
he also must have been the Cornaro who collected the numerous canvases
by Jacopo Bassano, Polidoro Lanzari, Paolo Farinati, the Tintoretto
circle and other mid-sixteenth century artists which embellished the
Cornaro homes in Piombino and Venice for centuries thereafter. (A print
of the Titian painting, engraved by Skelton, was published in 1811 under
the title A Nobleman of Cyprus). (The pioneer art historian Giorgio
Vasari noted in 1568 that Giovanni Bellini's painting Cena in
Emaus was at that date in the collection of Giorgio Cornaro, although
he may have been referring to a first cousin of the same
name [F-4].)
Ultimately, from
the union of Giorgio Cornaro's interests in rural life and in art emerged
the Palladian palace at Piombino, the crowning achievement of his life
and one of the milestones of Western architecture.