![]() Cav. Proc. Girolamo Marco Cornaro (H-15)Born: 20 October 1562 Married: 7 Ocober 1584, Pisana Priuli Died: 9 November 1634, Venice
He began his career
as Podesta' [governor] first at Vicenza, 1593-5, and then Bergamo,
1598-9. He later served as Capitano [military commander] at Verona,
1610, and Podesta' at Brescia, 1614. He was made a Senator, 1602, Cavalier,
1623, and ultimately Procurator di S. Marco, 1625. He served as a member
of the Council of Ten on several occasions, first in 1608. In diplomacy,
Cav. Proc. Girolamo was an ambassador of Venice to Pope Urban VIII and
in military affairs he was Provveditore Generale in Terraferma
[civilian leader of military forces on the mainland], 1623.
Much of Cav. Proc.
Girolamo's lasting heritage is in his architectural commissions. As
the second owner of the Andrea Palladio-designed
Villa Cornaro at Piombino Dese, originally
commissioned by his father Giorgio Cornaro (H-4),
Cav. Proc. Girolamo completed construction of the villa wings under
the supervision of Vincenzo Scamozzi. He
also engaged Scamozzi to rebuild a barchessa for the villa and commissioned
Camillo Mariani to execute the villa's innovative
statuary gallery depicting six distinguished Cornaro forebearers.
Cav. Proc. Girolamo
Cornaro also served as a member of the committee that commissioned Baldassare
Longhena's Venetian landmark, the Church of S. Maria della Salute.
His gravemarker in the Cornaro Chapel,
Church of SS. Apostoli, Venice, reads: |