


after Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827)
Engraving, date unknown
eight 13.2,  sub height 11.7,  width  11.0,  diameter 10.6 cm


Boglewood: 1228
Hart:  46


Source image:
Charles Willson Peale, Type B.
Oil on canvas (1776).

El General VVashington

Version I:  As shown. Collection: American Revolution Institute.

Notes:  The date and the engraver are not specified, but Carson (at Lot 62) says it was
"[e]ngraved by a Spanish artist, at an early period of Washington's Revolutionary military life."
     In any event, this line engraving is clearly patterned on Peale's original mezzotint engraving.  (See Boglewood 1216.)   One is tempted to speculate that it may have been based directly upon one of the 50 copies of the original engraving that Peale exported to a Spanish merchant.

Source:  Jack D. Warren Jr., "Blog: El General Washington,"

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