


CORNELIUS TIEBOUT (c. 1773-1832)
Charles Buxton (1768-1833)
and Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828)

Engraving and etching, 1798
Height 67.9, width 54.8, subheight 63.8, subwidth 49.8 cm


Boglewood: 2606
Hart: 676
Wick 62



Source image:
Gilbert Stuart
Oil on canvas (1796)

Geo. Wa--shington / Designed & Drawn by Charles Buxton M.D.--C. Tiebout sc / This Plate is with due Respect Inscribed to the Congress of the United States, by / Chas. Smith.--New York.  Published by C. Smith, 1798.

Version I:  As shown.  Collection:  New York Public Library.

Notes:  The engraving was printed both on paper and on satin.  The designer of the print, Charles Buxton, a New York physician, mailed two copies of the satin impression to George Washington on 27 April 1799, and Washington responded on 30 May 1799: "Was not the late President of the United States a conspicuous character in the Piece I might say more than would now become me of the fruitfulness of the Design."  Subsequently, in 1819, the image was reproduced in Glasgow, Scotland, on a printed cotton textile.

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