Cena in Emaus

by Giovanni Bellini

The painting Cena in Emaus by Giovanni Bellini, now destroyed, remains known from three sources. The painter and art historian Giorgio Vasari recorded in 1568 that the painting was at that time in the collection of Giorgio Cornaro (presum. H-4). The original patron of the work, however, is not noted.

Pietro Monaco prepared a contemporaneous engraving of the painting, a copy of which survives in the Church of S. Salvatore. In addition, Marco Margiale (recorded 1493-1507) executed two variations of the Bellini painting, one of which is now in the Accademia Museum and one in the Berlin Museum.

(See Giovanni Nepi Sciré and Francesco Valcanover, Accademia Galleries of Venice [Milan: Electa, 1985]. English translation by Michael Ph. Langley and Paul Blanchard.)

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