Cornaro crest

Nino Pisano

Born: c. 1315, Pisa

Died: 1368

NINO PISANO, son of Andrea Pisano of Pisa, created a number of sculptures in Pisa, including the tomb of Archbishop Simone Salterelli at the Church of S. Caterina. The critic John Pope-Hennessey calls Pisano "the greatest Italian monumental sculptor of the middle of the fourteenth century" (Italian Gothic Sculpture, 1985, p. 278)

A group of his figures carved in the early 1360s was incorporated into the funeral monument of Doge Marco Cornaro (SA-51/B-1) in the main choir chapel of SS. Giovanni e Paolo [Zanipolo], set above a stiff reclining effigy of the Doge that is attributed to the Pisano workshop. Hugh Honour observes [Companion Guide to Venice, p. 96], "The central Virgin is perhaps the finest Gothic statue in Venice, delicately graceful in her swaying movement."

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