Marco Cornaro (SA-51/B-1), the first
of four Doges from the Cornaro family, died in 1368. His funeral
monument occupies the north wall of the main choir chapel of SS.
Giovanni e Paolo [Zanipolo].
A central figure of the Madonna and Child stands between figures
of SS. Pietro and Paolo with a pair of flanking angels. The Madonna
and S. Pietro are by Nino Pisano while
the other figures and the effigy of Doge Marco below are attributed
to Pisano's workshop.
In his Companion Guide to Venice, Hugh Honour comments,
"The central virgin is perhaps the finest Gothic statue in Venice,
delicately graceful in her swaying movement." Pope-Hennessey
notes (Italian Gothic Sculpture, 1985, p. 23) that the
Madonna and Child of the group show the influence of contemporary
French sculpture on Pisano's style while the other figures, probably
executed by his son Andrea, are typical of traditional Tuscan
Gothic statuary.