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Profiles of the Glassmakers:

Fratelli Barovier (1878-1886)
Artisti Barovier (1886-1895)
Artisti Barovier & C. Snc. (1895-1898)
Artisti Barovier & C. (1898-1911)
Artisti Barovier (1911-1919)
Vetreria Artistica Barovier & C. (1919-1936)

Benvenuto Barovier vase

The brothers Giuseppe, Benvenuto and Benedetto Barovier, together with their uncle Giovanni Barovier, left Compagnie di Vetri e Mosaici di Venzia e Murano, where they had all been glassblowers, to found (1878) Fratelli Barovier. Antonio Salviati, founder of their previous employer left at the same time to found his new company Salviati dott. Antonio. Fratelli Barovier began by producing glass solely for Salviati dott. Antonio, and may have conducted its operations within that firm's factory.

Developmental Events:

1883-4 The firm, together with Antonio Camozzo, Glassworks Director at Salviati dott. Antonio, took over the glass furnace of Salviati dott. Antonio. Salviati dott. Antonio retained its retail shops and remained the sole customer of Fratelli Barovier.
1886 The firm began using the trade name Artisti Barovier.
1890 Antonio Salviati died and Salviati dott. Antonio was continued by his children as Dott. Antonio Salviati & C.
1895 The firm reorganized as Artisti Barovier & C. Snc. and began producing products for other customers in addition to Dott. Antonio Salviati & C.
1898 Antonio Camozzo died. The firm began operating as Artisti Barovier & C.
1911 The firm began operating as Artisti Barovier.
1913 The firm began using designs from free-lance designers.
1916 Because of World War I, the firm removed its operations to Livorno for two years.
1919 Benvenuto Barovier's sons Nicolò and Ercole and Giuseppe Barovier's son Napoleone joined the firm.
1920 Benvenuto Barovier left the firm. The firm name was changed to Vetreria Artistica Barovier & C. Management passed to Benvenuto Barovier's sons Nicolò and Ercole, Giuseppe Barovier's son Napoleone, Luigi Olimpo Ferro and Antonio Seguso. The firm began producing the glass for Umberto Bellotto's wrought iron constructions.
1923 At the first Monza Biennale the firm exhibited its own line of glass/iron constructions, utilizing wrought iron from Cardin & Fontana of Venice.
1931 25 workers left the company because of economic conditions of the Great Depression. Those departing included Napoleone Barovier, Luigi Olimpo Ferro and Antonio Seguso, who soon founded (1933) Artistica Vetreria e Soffieria Barovier Seguso e Ferro. The brothers Nicolò and Ercole Barovier remained as the sole owners and directors.
1934 Nicolò Barovier left the company to make mosaic components in Florence. Ercole remained as sole owner.
1936 The firm was liquidated. Ercole Barovier joined with the brothers Artemio and Decio Toso of Società Anonima Industrie Artistiche Riunite Ferro Toso [S. A. I. A.R. Ferro Toso] to found a new combined business under the tradename Ferro Toso Barovier Vetrerie Artistiche Reunite S. A.

Other Designers:
Guido Balsamo Stella (c. 1918)
Vittorio Zecchin (c. 1913)
Teodoro Wolf-Ferrari (1913-4)
Herthe von Wersin (c. 1913)
Wolfgang von Wersin (c. 1913)


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